
May 23, 2023


New space lab opening

New space lab opening

On May 30, an unprecedented ceremony took place in the village of Zovuni, where the "Bazoomq" space research laboratory operates. "Bazoomq" space research laboratory foundation and "Center for Scientific Innovation and Education" foundation solemnly opened their new laboratory building. It is intended for work related to the collection, integration and testing of test samples of small format satellites. 

The laboratory is equipped with equipment that will provide the special conditions necessary for these works inside. This important work was made possible by private donations to both foundations․ “Bazoomq” and the "Center for Scientific Innovation and Education " are deeply convinced that Armenia cannot remain apart from the rapid developments in the global space economy today, in which developing countries are also actively involved. Minister of High-tech Industry Robert Khachatryan and Deputy Minister Avet Poghosyan, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, Director of RA National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hayk Margaryan, representatives of scientific, information and high-tech sectors of Armenia, as well as trustees and employees of both foundations were invited to the opening ceremony.

During the opening, breaking the accepted traditions, the ribbon was cut by Avetik Grigoryan, the director of “Bazoomq”, and Suren Rustamyan, a student of the "AYAS" Space Science Society, who, due to his interests and knowledge, has actually become the shoulder of “Bazoomq”. This symbolized the fact that the older generation strives to open a wide path to high technologies in front of the country and the growing generation.

New space lab opening
New space lab opening

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